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 Location and Contact 

Nevis Public School Dist. 308

When we aren't travelling, we have our highly recognizable neon-green signs hanging proudly on our workshop for all to see. During the build season, we work regular hours from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Stop in whenever the door is open and a friendly TNT member

will show you around and discuss our current build or outreach plans.


Although our workshop is building number 3102, we don't have an actual address other than Nevis School's address. For any mail correspondence, delivery errors, or driving directions, use our school's address below.

3102  *

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3102 *

Since there's no place in the world quite like TNT Global HQ, it is understandable that our workshop can be hard to find.

TNT conducts business operations, builds robots, devises plans, and even communicates with other teams in our workshop, a small 35'x 35' building under some shady pine trees at the end of the high school parking lot. We are lucky to have this space made available to us by Nevis High School, and we thank them for continuing to cover all costs related to utilities and repairs. In addition, TNT has the use of the wood shop and several classrooms during the build season, and essentially the entire school during our Kick-off and other events.



210 Pleasant St. W

PO Box 138

Nevis MN 56467

(1-218) 652-3500 ext. 302

Email Us:

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â’¸ 2023 Tech-No-Tigers

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